Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rudolph Merry Xmas / BATELCO INFINITY

"Rudolph- I wanna wish you a merry christmas" The making of Batelco Infinity


我夢到我訪問了上帝. "你想訪問我嗎?" 上帝問. "如果您有時間的話" 我回答.上帝微笑著."我的時間是永恆的...... 你心裡想問我什麼問題呢?" "您對人類感到最訝異的事是什麼?" 上帝回答... "他們在兒童時期覺得無聊,他們急著要長大,然後他們又渴望能夠返老還童.""他們為了賺錢而犧牲了自己的健康...然後他們又花錢來找回已失去的健康." 他們因為焦慮未來 而忘了當下,所以他們既不是活在當下也沒有活出未來."他們活著像永遠不會死一樣, 可是當他們死時卻像從未曾活過似的."上帝的手握著我的手 然後我們沉默了片刻.然後我問..."為人天父, 您想要您的孩子學會哪些人生課題?""去明白他們無法強迫任何人來愛他們. 他們所能做的只是讓自己去被人愛.""去明白跟其他人相比較是不好的.""練習去原諒別人才會明白原諒的真諦.""去明白只要幾秒鐘的時間就可以讓所愛的人受到嚴重的創傷,可是卻要花很多年的時間才能使這些傷口癒合.""去明白所謂富人並不是擁有最多的人,而是需要最少的人." "去明白在自身環境中有些人非常的愛他們,只是那些人還沒有學會如何去表達他們的感情.""去明白兩個人可能面對同一件事情 卻產生不同的看法.""去明白光是原諒別人或是請別人原諒自己是不夠的,他們還必須學會去原諒自己.""謝謝您的時間," 我很謙虛地說."還有沒有其他事想讓您的孩子們知道呢?"上帝微笑了, 然後說,"明白我就在這裡.""一直是如此." I dreamed I had an interview with God."So you would like to interview me?" God asked."If you have the time" I said. God smiled. "My time is eternity...... what questions do you have in mind for me?""What surprises you most about humankind?"God answered... "That they get bored with childhood,they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.""That they lose their health to make money...and then lose their money to restore their health." "That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.""That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived."God's hand took mineand we were silent for a while.And then I asked..."As a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?""To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved.""To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.""To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.""To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them.""To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,but is one who needs the least.""To learn that there are people who love them dearly, but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their feelings.""To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.""To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.""Thank you for your time," I said humbly. "Is there anything else you would like your children to know?"God smiled and said, "Just know that I am here.""Always." Forrest Gump Piano Theme


Pearl Harbor Soundtrack - Tennessee - Piano Cover Money is gone, nothing is gone(失去了金錢,沒有失去什麼) Health is gone, half is gone.(失去了健康,失去了一半) Hope is gone, everything is gone.(失去了希望,就失去了全部)。 Apologize - OneRepublic Piano Cover

目送 文/龍應台

目送 文/龍應台 2007/06/22 摘錄自《人間 三少四壯集》 華安上小學第一天 , 我和他手牽著手 , 穿過好幾條街 , 到維多利亞小學 。九月初 , 家家戶戶院子裡 , 蘋果和梨樹都綴滿了拳頭大小的果子 , 枝枒因為負重而沈沈下垂 , 越出了樹籬 , 勾到過路行人的頭髮 。 很多很多的孩子 , 在操場上等候上課的第一聲鈴響 。小小的手 , 圈在爸爸的、媽媽的手心裡 , 怯怯的眼神 , 打量著周遭 。他們是幼稚園的畢業生 , 但是他們還不知道一個定律 : 一件事情的畢業 , 永遠是另一件事情的開啟 。 鈴聲一響 , 頓時人影錯雜 , 奔往不同方向 , 但是在那麼多穿梭紛亂的人群裡 , 我無比清楚地看著自己孩子的背影--就好像在一百個嬰兒同時哭聲大作時 , 你仍舊能夠準確聽出自己那一個的位置 。華安背著一個五顏六色的書包往前走 , 但是他不斷地回頭 ; 好像穿越一條無邊無際的時空長河 , 他的視線和我凝望的眼光隔空交會 。 我看著他瘦小的背影消失在門裡 。 十六歲 , 他到美國作交換生一年 。我送他到機場 。告別時 , 照例擁抱 , 我的頭只能貼到他的胸口 , 好像抱住了長頸鹿的腳 。他很明顯地在勉強忍受母親的深情 。 他在長長的行列裡 , 等候護照檢驗 ; 我就站在外面 , 用眼睛跟著他的背影一寸一寸往前挪 。終於輪到他 , 在海關窗口停留片刻 , 然後拿回護照 , 閃入一扇門 , 倏乎不見 。 我一直在等候 , 等候他消失前的回頭一瞥 。但是他沒有 , 一次都沒有 。 現在他二十一歲 , 上的大學 , 正好是我教課的大學 。但即使是同路 , 他也不願搭我的車 。即使同車 , 他戴上耳機--只有一個人能聽的音樂 , 是一扇緊閉的門 。有時他在對街等候公車 , 我從高樓的窗口往下看 : 一個高高瘦瘦的青年 , 眼睛望向灰色的海 ; 我只能想像 , 他的內在世界和我的一樣波濤深邃 , 但是 , 我進不去 。一會兒公車來了 , 擋住了他的身影 。車子開走 , 一條空蕩蕩的街 , 只立著一只郵筒 。 我慢慢地、慢慢地瞭解到 , 所謂父女母子一場 , 只不過意味著 , 你和他的緣分就是今生今世不斷地在目送他的背影漸行漸遠 。你站立在小路的這一端 , 看著他逐漸消失在小路轉彎的地方 , 而且 , 他用背影默默告訴你 : 不必追 。 我慢慢地、慢慢地意識到 , 我的落寞 , 彷彿和另一個背影有關 。 博士學位讀完之後 , 我回台灣教書 。到大學報到第一天 , 父親用他那輛運送飼料的廉價小貨車長途送我 。到了我才發覺 , 他沒開到大學正門口 , 而是停在側門的窄巷邊 。卸下行李之後 , 他爬回車內 , 準備回去 , 明明啟動了引擎 , 卻又搖下車窗 , 頭伸出來說 : 「女兒 , 爸爸覺得很對不起你 , 這種車子實在不是送大學教授的車子 。」 我看著他的小貨車小心地倒車 , 然後噗噗駛出巷口 , 留下一團黑煙 。直到車子轉彎看不見了 , 我還站在那裡 , 一口皮箱旁 。 每個禮拜到醫院去看他 , 是十幾年後的時光了 。推著他的輪椅散步 , 他的頭低垂到胸口 。有一次 , 發現排泄物淋滿了他的褲腿 , 我蹲下來用自己的手帕幫他擦拭 , 裙子也沾上了糞便 , 但是我必須就這樣趕回台北上班 。護士接過他的輪椅 , 我拎起皮包 , 看著輪椅的背影 , 在自動玻璃門前稍停 , 然後沒入門後 。 我總是在暮色沉沉中奔向機場 。 火葬場的爐門前 , 棺木是一只巨大而沈重的抽屜 , 緩緩往前滑行 。沒有想到可以站得那麼近 , 距離爐門也不過五公尺 。雨絲被風吹斜 , 飄進長廊內 。我掠開雨濕了前額的頭髮 , 深深、深深地凝望 , 希望記得這最後一次的目送 。 我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到 , 所謂父女母子一場 , 只不過意味著 , 你和他的緣分就是今生今世不斷地在目送他的背影漸行漸遠 。你站立在小路的這一端 , 看著他逐漸消失在小路轉彎的地方 , 而且 , 他用背影默默告訴你 : 不必追 。


Hear my prayer Bring me through the darkness, hear my heart Draw me in On this bright, new morning Here I am, stay with me Never too late to forgive Here I am, set me free Sing Hallelujah Angels walk with me Guide me to the water's edge Wash away my doubts, my fears Lord, strengthen me and bring me back to you Change my heart With a gentle touch you change my world Hold me close Fill my life with beauty Hear my voice, stay with me Bring cool water to my lips Hear my prayer, set me free Sing Hallelujah Angels walk with me Guide me to the water's edge Wash away my doubts, my fears Lord, strengthen me and bring me back to you Angels walk with me Guide me to the water's edge Wash away my doubts, my fears Lord, strengthen me and bring me back to you

Spaghetti 陝西拉麵

A wealthy man was having an affair with an Italian woman for several years. One night, during one of their rendezvous, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money, if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18. She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card and write "Spaghetti" on the back. He would then arrange for child support payments to begin. One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife. "Honey," she said. "You received a very strange post card today." "Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it," he said. The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white and fainted. On the card was written: "Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti. Two with meatballs, one without." 某公司職員榮升主管,很快就讓一女同事懷孕了。小主管早有妻室,怕妻子知道,讓女同事趕緊把孩子打掉,但女同事堅決要把孩子生下來,無奈,小主管讓她回西北老家生。女同事說,孩子生了怎麼通知你?小主管說:這個容易,孩子出生後,你就寄張明信片給我,在上面寫上,陝西拉麵。就行了,以後,我會按時給你們寄生活費的。十個月剛滿,一天下午,小主管回到家,妻子遞給他一張明信片說,是陝西的。小主管不動聲色接過明信片。但他看了上面的話,馬上口吐白沫抽搐暈了過去,妻子馬上打了120。在急診室醫生問他妻子說:我們檢查你丈夫沒有心臟病,但他為甚麼會突然心臟受不了,抽暈過去?他妻子說,我也不明白,他就是看了這張明信片才會這樣的。醫生拿過明信片,念道:陝西拉麵四碗;兩碗有香腸!兩碗沒有。


銀湯匙 因為老家離大學很遠,為了方便上學,John和另一個同學合資在大學附近租了一個房子。 有一天,John 邀請媽媽來吃晚飯。 飯桌上,媽媽一再注意到與 John 同住的女室友Mary非常漂亮,而且覺得二人的眼神交流也非比尋常,她十分懷疑兩人的關係是否真的僅限於室友。 John也發現了媽媽的想法,於是主動跟媽媽說明︰ 「我知道妳在想什麼,不過我可以向妳保證,Mary和我是純粹的室友,絕對沒別的。」 一個星期後,Mary 跑來跟John說︰ 「自從你媽媽來吃過晚飯之後,我就一直找不到我那把純銀的湯匙,你覺得會不會是她拿走了?」 John說:「我不知道呀!不過別擔心,讓我來處理這件事吧。」 之後他寫了一封信給他媽媽: 親愛的媽媽, 我不會說您「拿」了一把純銀湯匙,我也不會說您「沒拿」了一把純銀湯匙, 不過有一件事情大家都注意到了,就是自從您在這裡吃了晚飯之後,有一樣東西不見了。 愛你的 John幾天後,媽媽的回信來了: 親愛的兒子, 我不會說你和 Mary 「睡」在一起,我也不會說你和 Mary 「沒睡」在一起, 不過有一件事情大家都注意到了,那就是如果她的確是睡在自己床上的話,她早就會發現那把純銀湯匙了。愛你的 媽媽 SILVER LADLE Mike had invited his mother to have dinner with him and his roommate Chester. During the dinner Mike's mother couldn't help but notice the glances the two young men shared and how they acted around each other. She also notcied that Chester was a very good looking man and she was starting to suspect that Mike and Chester were more than just friends. She decided that she would ask her son about it. While Chester was in the kitching cleaning up, Mike mother sat down next to Mike in the livingroom and said: "Mike, I've noticed the way you two are looking at each other. Is there something you need to tell me about Chester and yours relationship?" Mike was suprised by his mothers question. "Mom, we're just friends. Don't you think that I should have told you if there was something more than friendship between Chester and I?" he answered and stood up, leaving his mother alone in the livingroom with a michevious smile on her face One week later when Chester was sorting the tableware etc. he noticed that their silver ladle was missing. "Mike? Have you seen the silver ladle lately? It's missing." "No I haven't," Mike answered and walked into the kitchen. "The last time I saw it was when my mom was here." "You don't think she took it, do you?" Chester said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Nah, but I could always ask her." Mike walked over to the phone and dialed his mothers number. "Hey mom, it's Mike." "Oh hello Michael," his mother answered in the other end. She sounded happy. "Uhm, I'm not saying that you did or didn't take our silver ladle, but it's been missing since you were here so..." he said. "Well, Michael," his mother said and giggled slightly "I'm not saying that you are or aren't sleeping with Chester, but if he had slept in his own bed this past week, he would have found the ladle a long time ago." "Oh", was the only word Mike could say. "Good, we have sorted that out. Good bye Michael."